Social Media/Digital Communications

It’s a digitally fragmented world. We help you craft and focus your digital content to reach the right audiences.

Paid and earned media

“Publish or perish!” isn’t just essential for academics, it’s a useful reminder to marketers and communicators. We help clients keep communications channels well fed and active with both organic and paid content, from media coverage to paid media partnerships and influencer-produced content. Regardless of budget, we can tailor communications plans to keep corporate websites, employee and customer channels, social media platforms, enthusiast communities and media outlets filled with relevant information.


Social media campaigns

Stale, boring or cringe-worthy content doesn’t cut it any time, but nowhere can it turn off your audience faster than on social media. And nowhere can marketing dollars be wasted – or maximized – faster than on social channels. We create impactful social media campaigns based on real business goals and backed by in-house digital research and analysis. From virtual product launches and brand-building events to paid partnerships and digital ad campaigns, we build cohesive campaigns that get audiences talking – and responding.


Community management

Gone are the days when a simple content calendar, some creative prose and a fun video allowed you to check the social media box in your marketing and PR plan. Our community managers create fun and games with the best of them, but most importantly they are astute business managers who engage with our clients’ customers, from coordinating customer care responses when things don’t go right to building strong relationships with fans when they do. We build and maintain vibrant, engaged social communities for leading national brands and are experienced first responders and troubleshooters.


Content development

We make sure that every piece of content we develop for clients has strong legs and can be put to work in the channels where target audiences are likely to be most receptive and responsive. Whether we’re writing a white paper based on survey or custom research results, penning an opinion piece aligned with a current news cycle, developing a giveaway or producing a video that educates target customers about a new product, our content development team never forgets the end game: provoke action.


Content marketing

Content for content’s sake might win creative awards, but if it doesn’t deliver measurable results is it really doing its job? Every piece of brilliant content deserves an equally powerful marketing strategy that ultimately brings customers to your virtual or brick-and-mortar doorstep. From email and social media marketing campaigns to paid media partnerships, we engineer content distribution strategies that reach the right customer at the right time with the right frequency.
